Hosting SLA & Technical Details

Pixel Kick’s Hosting Services

All our servers are 100% cloud based, spread over a series of different hosts, including Digital Ocean, AWS, UKFast, Rapidswitch. As such, each can be scaled up & down accordingly depending on requirements.

  • Our typical server stack consists of Linux Ubuntu & Plesk
  • Running PHP 8+ as an FPM application served by Apache
  • By standard we use Let’s Encrypt for all required SSL certicficates

For DNS records we use a combination of Cloudflare and UKFast.

Support & SLA Times

Depending on your support package, we offer different SLAs.

Disaster Recovery

All of our servers have their individual websites backed up on a daily basis, and a full snapshot of each server is taken weekly.  In the event of any server failure, websites can be restored within 24 hours from the last back up taken. Most servers are scheduled to run a full website backup at 2am GMT.

Please see below for individual platforms own SLA policies:

  • Digital Ocean
    DigitalOcean provides a 99.99% uptime SLA for both Droplets and block storage. For Digital Ocean’s full droplet policy, see here.
  • AWS
    Please see the following link for Amazon’s EC2 service level agreement.


Please contact us on 0161 713 1700 if you need any more information.


Pixel Kicks Ltd.

Here's a case study for more detail