Email Marketing

Personalised, powerful email marketing campaigns

Creatively executed strategies that keep you out of the spam folder, and landing directly into the inboxes of your customers, subscribers and prospects.

Connect with the right people at the right time.

Cost-effective lead generation

Ensure your email campaigns are received and remembered, with our customer-centric approach that captures attention and drives action.

We take the time to devise campaigns that align with your business strategy in order to target your audience directly with relevant, results-driven content.

We draw upon our creative content resources to ensure that the email campaigns are visually striking and impactful.

What we do

Eye-catching email template designs

Effective design is the key to a successful campaign. For your emails to be read, they need to stand out. Poorly formatted emails lead to immediate deletion, and that’s why we don’t let anything less than perfect land in the inbox of your subscribers.

We create bespoke, on-brand templates that get noticed. Fully responsive across all devices to achieve a consistently flawless look when opened on mobile, desktop and tablet.

Our conversion-centred approach focuses on increasing reader engagement by creating a visually appealing design with a clean layout. From strategically placed images to prominent call-to-actions, we iron out all of the fine details needed to generate click-throughs.

Persuasive email content writing

Our highly skilled team of copywriters are experts at creating professionally written content that converts. We know what works and what doesn’t, and the things that really make a difference between a delete and a click-through.

Using the power of persuasion and personalisation, we’re committed to delivering refreshing content with every email, steering clear of generic monthly mail blasts and setting you apart from your competitors.

We get creative with killer headlines that capture attention, and keep the reader engaged with enticing main body content that drives actions.

List growth strategies & segmentation

A well-maintained list of subscribers is the building foundation of any successful email campaign. Without that, your efforts will fall flat.

Not only can we help to grow your database of subscribers, but we can segment them into specific customer groups based on their behaviours or interests. This means that we can then deliver tailored campaigns to each individual, significantly increasing response rates as a result.

By continuously monitoring and maintaining this streamlined list of opted-in recipients, we’re able to deliver highly effective, GDPR compliant campaigns every time.

Email automation & scheduling

We know that in the world of email marketing, timing is crucial. It’s something that can really make or break your campaign, so it’s important that your content is reaching your customers at the perfect moment.

From automating abandoned cart emails to pushing out your latest blog post at peak reading time, we can make sure that you never miss out on an opportunity again, should that be conversion focused or website traffic driven.

Save yourself the time and effort of waiting for the right time to send your emails, and have peace of mind that it’s scheduled in and ready to go.

Tracking & reporting

It’s no good launching any online campaign if you can’t measure how effective it was. Tracking and reporting is a hugely important part of every email campaign we work on, as we want to see how well it performed just as much as you do.

With every email campaign sent, we offer detailed tracking and reporting so that you can see who opened your email, who discarded it and who clicked through to your website.

Keeping you up-to-date with click-through rates, conversions and all other critical data not only helps to measure your ROI, but offers a great deal of insight into your audience’s interests and behaviours. Data in hand, we’ll continually monitor and refine your campaigns to ensure your business targets and goals are being met.

To find out how we can help you get great results, give us a ring on: 0161 713 1700

Or email us at: [email protected]